Singing That Makes Sense

Singing is a learned skill and anyone can improve.

If you’re overwhelmed by all of the complicated singing tutorials out there and think there’s no hope to improve your singing, let me prove you wrong.

Hi! I’m Laura!

I break down vocal technique in a way you can actually understand so you can improve your singing and feel confident in your voice. 

Ways To Learn

  • Private Lessons

    • 1:1 instruction online via Zoom or in person at Laura’s studio

    • A customized experience to help you meet your singing goals

    • Pay by the month to reserve a regular time OR purchase individual lessons and book as you like

  • Online Hybrid Learning

    • Online membership program

    • Includes a complete library of vocal exercises, monthly group masterclasses, and video feedback from Laura

    • Work at your own pace and get feedback for a fraction of the cost of private lessons

How is this approach different?

  • 1. Language

    Get the right combo of straight talk & metaphor so you can UNDERSTAND your voice.

  • 2. Movement

    Explore different types of movement so you can FEEL your voice.

  • 3. Whole Person

    Improve your mind/body connection, get out of your own way, and EXPERIENCE your voice.

About Laura

Breaking difficult vocal concepts down into normal human speak is my WHEELHOUSE.  And learning and speaking your language is my primary tool. Want to talk about SCIENCE and ANATOMY? Great, let's do it. Want to use the power of IMAGERY and imagination? Love it. Want to GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD and just magically feel your BODY and VOICE produce the sound you've always known it could? There's a YOGA pose for that.
I've spent the past twenty years studying the voice (even got a masters degree in the dang thing) and have multiple yoga certifications because I want to know everything I can about the connection between mind, body, breath, and voice. For a full list of all of my boring fancy credentials, Click here. But really, it's not about me, it's about you, so if you're ready to find out what's possible in your own voice, let’s chat!


  • “Laura is a fantastic voice teacher. She has helped me to find what my voice is and how the whole body plays a role in creating sound. Yoga inspired movements and Laura’s presence make every lesson exciting.”

    Ben - Student

  • “Laura has a remarkable talent for communicating vocal techniques and concepts with inventive and vivid visualizations that helped me understand the relationship between my body, my voice, and the sound that I produce.”

    Michael - Student

  • "Laura is a terrific coach. She is clear and precise in her teaching...I was astounded at the progress I made in a little over a year."

    Pat - Student

  • "Laura helped me work through a life long block in the first 30 minutes. She identified strengths and started building."

    Eleanor - student

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